Actively Recruiting Guilds

Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Growth-oriented, organized, friendly community G2 guild looking to push G3.

Looking for long-term, motivated, hard-working players with good attitudes. JSON required!

Also looking to add to our macro team!

More about Critical Value:
-LGBTQ+ friendly 🌸
-We VC often (every siege and often outside of siege) with lots of laughs and good vibes.
-We love testing/developing new tech!

RNG Justice
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Growth-oriented, organized, friendly community guild currently g1 hoping to push G2

Looking for long-term, motivated, hard-working players with good attitudes. JSON required!

More about RNG Justice:
- LGBTQ+ friendly 🌸
- We VC often (every siege and often outside of siege) with lots of laughs and good vibes.
- We love testing/developing new tech!
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Designed By Cerusa |
Support my work on Patreon (Guild or Personal)
Monster and Siege Map images belong to Com2Us